
Inspiring chef part 2

Another fellow that shows up regularly on TV is Andrew Zimmern who, at first I thought was trying to trade on Bourdain's name by eating bizarre shit on his show on Travel Channel. The more I watched him the more I came to like him. This plump, jolly American chef was not afraid of a challenge, was respectful and polite, a nice counterpart to the sometimes arrogant attitude presented by Bourdain. Later on I found out he was, at one point in his life, homeless due to his drug and alcohol addiction. He hit bottom and was snatching purses in New York City for a living. Later he went to rehab; received treatment at Hazelden and has been sober now for some time. Even on his show, when he is presented with an alcohol infused drink culturally important to the country he is visiting, he asks a camera crew guy to try it instead. He doesn't make a big deal out of it, which is very moving for me. It is very inspiring, indeed, to see a person so involved in what he's doing, so passionate about life and still remaining humble. He is positive without trying to be anything he's not, and to me, that's a big part of sobriety. Remaining teachable is a highly valued trait, especially for us, addicts.

Nite nite! 

Inspiring chef Part 1

My first television crush happened between 2005 and 2006 (when I was still living at home with my parents). The crush was Anthony Bourdain. No Reservations was then a somewhat new TV show, Tony wasn't yet an acclaimed badass (at least not in my book), his show was randomly tucked in between regular travel channel programs, and I loved it. He was my secret culinary Jim Morrison of the 21st century, having international adventures that I yearned for (still do) and the freedom to roam (this part was just like any young adult's perspective, looking forward to be released from the nest). His book Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly only solidified my interest, as I learned more about his personal life, about his serious drug addiction, and the fact he was able to beat it and move on.
Once Tony and his show became more and more in demand, I stopped watching the series since popularity is a turnoff for me. This does not mean I'm a nonconformist. I just don't like being into things that are 'hot right now' or 'bestselling' or 'just released'. I usually wait until the hype is over and then slowly make my way towards that thing, in my own time. I'm currently reading one of his books, A Cook's Tour: Global Adventures in Extreme Cuisines in admiration, his writing is impeccable. After all, it is not his fault he got mainstream famous and I'm glad he's making a living this way, I mean, who wouldn't be?


Cloudy Thursday

My sunroom - a bit less sunny this morning
It is grey outside, and I've got nowhere to go, bliss.
I'm looking forward to a call back about a job, an official call.
Meanwhile I'm brewing some black tea, squeeze a little lemon in the cup, write a post, morning news quietly buzzing in the background.
The weather is so comforting right now. Usually when I wake up and it's a bright, sunny day, I feel compelled to achieve great things because it's a great day. Now, if it's a grey day, whatever my achievements, they seem special. I'm pretty sure it's just my psyche pulling tricks on me.

OOOH! Was that thunder i just heard? Sure was! It is now officially a pig in a cave day, and I'll scrub this cave clean. 


A suspicious mind is always ill-at-ease,
spotting hidden meanings nobody else even considers are there.
It can be a devastating way to live, 
viewing the world through a hyper-vigilant lens.


Miroslava Duma

Here comes a Russian girl who is in her twenties, married, with a child. She gets me thinking that just as the world evolves, so does the ever-mocked Russian sense of style, consisting of EVERYTHING done to the MAX (stilettos+cleavage+mini skirt+loads of jewelry+loads of makeup+loads of hairspray=everything in its place, intensity, LABELS). 
The universal appeal to the masculine audience is so tired, while leaving something to the imagination is alluring. Personally, I find the messy hair look so sexy. 
This is a young woman who doesn't strive to have hollow cheeks but instead embraces her baby face, the muscles on her body aren't thoroughly defined, how refreshing!