
I do not care for:
-crowded places
-the smell of mulch
-creepy men (all men except for a few good guys i know)
-judging (one of my defects of character for sure, working on improving that)

I do however, care about date nights with my man. And tonight it's Mexican style. Cheese covered burrito here I come


what a saleswoman!

Never did I bother to think about how many different types of necklines there are (numerous).

I sold my first item (shoes) on ebay,
Ah the taste of success! 
As a proper addict I yearn for more of that feeling! 

Here it is, a way for my creativity to bear fruit.

Watching "Sylvia" to complete my Sylvia Plath study


We as human beings are worthy simply because we exist

We are here. Our worth is not based on our accomplishments or what we DO.
 It is so easy to see the worth in an infant, but when it comes to ourselves, 
we often forget that we were once an innocent and pure infant as well. 
Remember your innate worth.


Started reading The Bell Jar. This is a book I should've picked up in my Women & Creativity studies years ago, but somehow found myself too stuck on Virginia Woolf. She needed my comforting and understanding I thought, and I found it a full time position. Speaking of, I decided I'm going to start selling clothes on eBay. Other people do it, why not try? I usually just collect all of the clothing I am no longer interested in and schlep it all the way to the recycled clothing stores, where they give me a lousy price for it, and then store credit (when Pig needs a 'new' pair of jeans). Besides, I'm not working right now since I'm at the Intensive Outpatient Program Monday thru Friday till 2pm. I want to bring home some bacon. Or if not bacon, then at least lean meat. Happy Tuesday y'all.