
I'm still here

I'd like to think that GOD (Good Orderly Direction) has something special in store for me, but the reality is I'm just one person, and my responsibility is to live life joyfully. My responsibility is that of service. I have a lot to give back.
Mom visited for a little bit, along with my 5 -year old brother who I just wanna eat, he's such a luscious little person. I've never before had the occasion to actually interact with him, to talk to him, and for him to respond to me, since the last time I saw him was 3 years earlier. His brutal honesty is very refreshing in a world of diplomacy and manipulations. Most importantly though, I've developed feelings (I wanted to say 'maternal' but i stopped myself) that I've never had before. Putting someone's wellbeing before my own without any expectation.. It feels so natural, to protect the young one. So primal.
Love. Family. Lineage.
feel the freshness?

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