
primal news

Bear and I are just regular animals, we know how to make each other happy. 
I don't believe we're conventional, but I don't think we try to be different. 
I like to observe him from afar, my powerful man. 
Forever doesn't seem realistic, but forever is what I want for our relationship to last. And to never lose our freshness. When I try to put it into words, it doesn't do its justice. So instead let me just say: I'm excited for both of us to create our own little world. A positive one.


:::this is what kind of mood I'm in lately:

these days I choose to bundle up. I don't want to compromise my sense of style though
home is wherever I'm with you  

love my new apothecary job!
i enjoy being busy, especially during winter
…you may come in
what's on the horizon? whatever will be, will be


the keyword is **cozy**

Looking perfectly cozy on a chilly winter morning
a fluffy yet fashionable buffer

I love the feeling of coming home, not many feelings can top that
having a warm body to cuddle up with is oh so sweet 


^^pepsi challenge

Bear just challenged me to try his dial soap in order to see if it'll clear up my face,
unlike the products I just ran out of, natural, organic, raw. I'm gonna give it a week. It seems like nature's performing an everlasting purging process ha ha…this has to be talked about.
 I just want a fresh face, it is so crucial for women, i think. To have a dewy, rosy, porcelain skin. Just like in Quo Vadis:
The author describes her beauty as a "remarkable". Her face was rosy, yet transparent, eyes blue as the azure of the sea, the mouth fresh. She was a comelygirl. Her hair glistened in the sunshine. It was a slim silhouette, and it emphasized the slope of her shouldersBe compared even to Aphroditegoddess of beauty. Ligia is a girl very young, yet extremely good.

A XXI Century Ligia


a collage of various moods, situations

devil's in the details 
 pork chops seared with onions, garlic, apples, freshly ground pepper 
I'm going to be working in the same neighborhood that I live in,
and I'm very enthused about this! It's not Julius Meinl btw
I mean…what am I gonna say? latest deliciousness - plum oolong tea.  
"It's my j'awb.."
It seems so simple really. let's get back to basics
Where are we going for this upcoming vacay?
A Modern Lolita
being a young woman 
being a young woman
Being a young woman/ however one will interpret it
Love the feeling of floating in water 
Enjoying a balmy Summer evening
retreating for the day



Dilution debate

Not all homeopaths advocate extremely high dilutions. Many of the early homeopaths were originally doctors and generally used lower dilutions such as "3X" or "6X", rarely going beyond "12X". The split between lower and higher dilutions followed ideological lines. Those favoring low dilutions stressed pathology and a strong link to conventional medicine, while those favoring high dilutions emphasised vital force, miasms and a spiritual interpretation of disease.[76][77] Some products with such relatively lower dilutions continue to be sold, but like their counterparts, they have not been conclusively demonstrated to have any effect beyond that of a placebo.[78][79]
~I'm reading about homeopathy. 
I am now happily working at an international apothecary and I am so so excited! No pushing shit! Ahhhh…I'm delighted and almost can't believe I'm this blessed. This is good.

  • castor oil or olive oil. A nightly brushing with either of these oils is an old-fashioned, slow-but-sure treatment practically guaranteed to produce long, silky eyelashes.
  • "Huile de Ricin", an exotic sounding french formula can be duplicated by adding a sliver of lemon peel to the small bottle of oil used for daily brushing
  • vitamin D. Each evening, snip a capsule of vitamin D and pat contents over your lids and your lashes. Fantastic results have been reported after less than three months of this treatment.


::::Mother Nature's Guide to vibrant beauty & health::::

What you eat, or don't eat, is revealed by your skin: nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream nourish it through loops of capillaries close to the surface. Radiantly healthy skin is one of the dividends of  eating a nutritionally balanced diet.
drinking 2 glasses of barley juice each day is credited with maintaining
the flawless complexion of British royalty
 If you treat your skin with tenderness, it will respond with finely textured dewy freshness.
Step by step directions for this fundamental process seem ridiculous, but every skin care expert has a long list of adamant rules. Water- hot versus warm, cold versus cool- is a prime bone of contention. Warm-to-hot water is comfortable for washing, and a splash of cold water is refreshing as a final rinse. Here's the basic process for properly washing your face:

  1. Moisten your face with water. Work up a lather. Using your fingertips, massage some lather into you face and throat.
  2. Rinse thoroughly with splashes of water. The important thing is that you remove all of the lather so your face won't be left with a film equivalent of a bathtub ring.
  3. Blot dry with a soft towel; vigorous rubbing with coarse materials aggravates and tugs at your skin


Many great things happening right now.
I spoke to the universe, and it heard me.
I consider myself very lucky