
[thursday] a day off

Yes, I finally earned one. Got up extra early to make sure I don't miss a minute of not doing anything. Wrote my ideas about our products to corporate just to make sure I did something productive during the course of the day. No checking of the time, no hallowness in my chest, breathing at a normal rate.

Then I almost lost my precious brown leather gloves given to me by my stylish mother. Every now and then she'll see me and throw an array of classy pieces my way just to make sure I'm not off track. So i left the gloves at a store, got on the train platform, and just when my train was coming I made a decision to get back and retrieve it. It may sound really unimportant but normally when I lose or misplace things I do not think twice afterward. I believe it to be a virtue of mine. I like nice things but I rarely get really attached to them. And normally I would just accept the fact that the gloves are gone and would've gotten on that train. But not today. I was being responsible. Booya!

1 comment:

  1. wondering pig? haha.... what a cute title for a blog. :)
    anyways, i like your brown leather gloves.♥

