
Quick reminder

You are not on earth to make things happen. You are not on earth to spread the love. You are not on earth to make it a better place or to learn acceptance of the things you cannot change. You are not on earth to find your soul mate or your purpose. You are not on earth to put the needs of others before your own. And you are most certainly not on earth to suffer, pay penance, be tested, or judged.

Did I leave anything out?

You are on earth, because in your loftiest state of being, perched high above the wonderment, at the pinnacle of your glory, you wondered what it would be like, even fleetingly, to believe in limits.

Your sage,
    The Universe

From TUT


One is happy as a result of one's own efforts, once one knows the necessary ingredients of happiness - simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self-denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience. Happiness is no vague dream, of that I now feel certain.  —George Sand

Rear Window

I tried parting with you, because you seemed polluted. But, after many second thoughts I realized that you are just a deep well of references, and that starting from scratch isn't what I thrive on (anymore).
I'm in a good, solid place.
Spent some time decorating my back porch so now by default I cultivate my own Rear Window (a murderless version)
I'm talking about soaking up the sun and eavesdropping on my neighbors' conversations. And figuring out when they grill their dinner. 


The original idea about this blog was for it to be my scrapbook outlet, so that I don't start a yet another journal that takes up precious space in our cave. Things/images/sayings that matter to me in any way have a home now and that is just great.
Enjoying this Independence Day as a Naturalized American Citizen - do capital letters make it more meaningful? As I've mentioned to Bear some time ago, I really have made peace with being bicultural. I am truly embracing both cultures {and the people that contributed to who I am today}.
I know someone whose higher power is LOVE. Let me think about that for a second… So far love has meant so many different things to me throughout my adult life. At one point I thought of it as a steamy, entirely consuming and intensely dominating aspect of one's life. Then I believed it didn't actually exist (there was not much self-love at that time). Later on I imagined that not everyone was lucky or deserving enough to cultivate love in their lives. At 28 years old I know this: There are countless types of love and relationships in general. Without getting too deep, I believe love  doesn't just happen. It needs nurturing and attention.



Well hello..

Many good things are happening in my life.
I am such a lucky person. I've had a rough couple of weeks, and today seems like I finally dropped the heavy cloak of stress. Starting to feel calm again..
got flatware that I really, really like looking at..
*Looking forward to playing host with some new gear I got*
reading Sputnik Sweetheart…Murakami certainly has a way with words



Hammam striped hand towel from West Elm!!!
Initially placed an order online (for a white/slate combo), but then I got notified it was on backorder until April! I was devastated! 
Then…called the closest West Elm I could find and turned out they had the white/slate striped towel stashed somewhere in their back room. I went there right after work and scored! I was almost in tears when I first touched this beautiful piece of cotton. I also picked up a seriously sensually smelling hand lotion {mandarin and cypress}- quite similar to my favorite Eau Des Merveilles by Hermes. Intoxicating J


Comfort by Carine Roitfeld

"Comfort" is not part of my fashion vocabulary. You lose attitude when you feel too comfortable, so I prefer to wear clothes that have a certain edge to them. I think of my lace negligee as sexy rather than relaxing, and I keep that feeling in mind when I wear it under my clothes for fittings or shopping


Cin Cin!

Here's to: getting to know myself more, continuing feeling comfortable in my own skin, and cultivating important relationships in my life.
And, for good qualities in people to speak for themselves. Cheers!



1. Converse ALL STAR LIGHT HI - Leather Brown    2. Cashmere infinity scarf
        3. Ray Ban RB5226 in Tortoise                                  4. Paul Green 'Valetta' sneaker 

1. Essie - Don't Sweater It   2. Essie - Lady Like
      3. Essie - Au Natural        4. Opi - Over the Taupe



Christmas time in the jewelry industry

At last, a post. To prove to myself that I can actually accomplish things other than eating or sleeping after coming home from the meat grinder…I mean work…
Doughnuts, cookies, five other types of sweets, and coffee are abundant in our kitchen at work right now. It's not very subtle at all - everyone's exhausted and even the healthy eaters (which is what I like to consider myself from time to time)are reaching for the sugar/caffeine fix to keep goingChocolate covered cherries are my favorite.

*One more week*


A note from the Universe for today:

The loudest arguments happen in your own head, and your greatest opponent, is yourself.

Happily, you're the most amazing peacekeeper, strategic negotiator, brilliant diplomat, hot life coach, and coolest best friend we've ever known.

    The Universe


Mid November already

This year retail stores decided to pay little attention to Thanksgiving and display Christmas merchandise instead, right after Halloween. At least that's what I've been noticing during my strolls at lunchtime downtown Chicago. As usual, I started my gift shopping pretty early because:

  •  I like to have things done properly and in a timely manner.
  •  Work gets really fuckin hectic around Christmas, and I don't want to spend my 1 hour of peace (lunch) pushing through a big crowd of people in a frenzy. That's my time to sit (across the street from my work) at the Cultural Center with a sandwich, chilling in one of their dimly lit nooks. Hopefully.

For me, Christmas still looks like this, my childhood book stories coming alive!


Go buy yourself a personality {Boardwalk Empire}

Continually impressed by A. Rothstein's calm and calculated demeanor. 
*** beaded chemise dresses, silky negligees***
How I would love to have a boudoir...
…and tend to myself there


10:08 pm

This month I read Escape from Camp 14
One Man's Remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to Freedom in the West
So very disturbing that this nightmare is taking place RIGHT NOW, enforced by a dynasty of lunatics. We look back at WWII and grieve for all the innocent people that died in concentration camps, yet here we are, again it seems, powerless. Meanwhile, the chubby "Supreme" leader is chillin with Dennis Rodman at a basketball game !@#$%^&**()!!

P.S. Tomorrow is my U.S. naturalization ceremony, my last step in the citizenship process. 
My space has been claimed, in more ways than one.


I like to mess around with beauty products as much as the next girl, however, I prefer low maintenance to constant touch up. For that reason, lash and brow tinting have become my staples. I got it done again yesterday, and it will last about 4-6 weeks. This means when I get up in the morning, I already cut out two steps out of my getting ready routine- the eyebrow and eyelash definition is already there, super! 

Never has there walked the face of the earth
someone who thinks with your degree of insight. 
Who loves with your degree of care. 
Or who feels with your degree of hope.
And never has there been such a need for someone with gifts like yours,
because at this very moment there are people
only you can reach and differences only you can make.

Your #1 fan,
    The Universe


beautifully portrayed marriage {The Godfather}

The Corleone home.
After having to leave his job at the grocery store, Vito walks in. He takes off his hat and unwraps a pear that he places on the dinner table.
Carmela: What a nice pear!
[Vito smiles, removes his coat, sits down and kisses his wife]


Seasoned:::bay leaves

robust, strongly aromatic with a woody,
astringent flavor and a pleasant,
slightly minty aroma
I always feel like the bay leaf stands alone in a crowd of regular spices.
It is ordinary useful enough for frequent use, yet it finds no comparison in form within the spice rack.


You are the creator of your own reality, so you are not in jeopardy.

You do not need to control the behavior of others in order for you to thrive.
It is not what they do you; it's what you do to yourself
in fear of what you think that they will do to you.