
The original idea about this blog was for it to be my scrapbook outlet, so that I don't start a yet another journal that takes up precious space in our cave. Things/images/sayings that matter to me in any way have a home now and that is just great.
Enjoying this Independence Day as a Naturalized American Citizen - do capital letters make it more meaningful? As I've mentioned to Bear some time ago, I really have made peace with being bicultural. I am truly embracing both cultures {and the people that contributed to who I am today}.
I know someone whose higher power is LOVE. Let me think about that for a second… So far love has meant so many different things to me throughout my adult life. At one point I thought of it as a steamy, entirely consuming and intensely dominating aspect of one's life. Then I believed it didn't actually exist (there was not much self-love at that time). Later on I imagined that not everyone was lucky or deserving enough to cultivate love in their lives. At 28 years old I know this: There are countless types of love and relationships in general. Without getting too deep, I believe love  doesn't just happen. It needs nurturing and attention.


1 comment:

  1. I believe you.

    That love needs nurturing and attention.

    Coincidentally, love IS nurturing and attention.

    Neat, huh.


    Apparently, we have the same taste in 'pliable' body images.

    My favorite is the yoga pose.

    But all were tasteful.

    Anyway, perhaps one day we'll chat.

    And thanks for sharing...
