
Is it Wednesday yet?

Just kidding. 
Trying to stay in the now. Now.
I'm proud of myself and my eating habits. I can actually feel a difference in my mood. And because I feel so much better, I make healthier choices. I've never had a troubled relationship with food and I'm very grateful for it. It's about prevention and establishing healthy eating habits. This does not mean, by the way, that I don't indulge myself. I do. I recognize that almost painful longing for a large hot chocolate with extra whip or a greasy burger with fries. But that means that I'll take it easy on my body afterwards. Moderation is key. I actually feel really polluted and heavy and unmotivated if I eat processed food for too long. But by no means am I a health freak. I just think about feeding my body good, clean fuel. Otherwise I'll be running on empty and to an addict, H.A.L.T. (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) is dangerous. 

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