

One word helps me describe the last 2 days, as i see it.. CAMARADERIE on my mind. 
I've observed a couple o' instances where it's simply an act of reacting to each other, as members of the same species. We have something in common, no?
"we are all connected" - that cliche doesn't help me feel anything... But really feeling it? Hmm....let's be nice to each other.
I'm going to start practicing some principles in all my affairs
Just as suggested.
I got myself an organic calendula & chamomile soap bar, and it is positively delightful. Makes me feel so warm and fuzzy in the shower. I also need to get in the habit of moisturizing. I like illuminating body products, I should work on being more diligent about it. I'm inspired by fresh faces. I like brisk walks in the morning, it feels cleansing. I forgive myself. 

Vincent, my apollo.

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