
throughout the day

Walking through the very fabulous downtown Chicago, leftovers from this paSt weekend's parties, drifting in the cold wind, oh so crisp.

My baby left for Arizona, I'm all alone this week.
I'm going to come up with ideas how to use all this free time to my advantage.
Oh it's Halloween today. Next year I really want to put something together, an awesome 'stume. I used to really enjoy attending costume parties at the age of 5, so it should translate..I think.

    my dream of a perfectly luscious Peacock costume is still very much
    I feel most at peace at this time of year

    Shiiit Negro!

    Pulp Fiction anyone? this has to be my favorite quote
    That's all you had to say!


    nurse me back to health, baby

    My Bear's sick..

    My favorite animal had an operation yesterday, he cannot talk for 24 hours.
    It has made our interactions interesting, reminding me of how compatible we are,
    how easily we can communicate,
    jokes and satires are just as funny when done in silence, with facial expressions and gestures.
    He is on his own silent retreat,
    getting to think twice before he shows the world what he'd like them to see.
    Everyone should try this once in awhile



    Pig is no Montezuma (xocolatl was one of his favorite drinks), and I do not try to pretend to be a chocolate connoisseur, but a nice cup of hot cocoa, usually during work hours, puts me at ease, makes my day seem so much smoother. Sometimes I add a slice of banana bread, to chew on, and that completes that little moment I have with myself.
    I do not care to know the nutritional facts about the drink. 
    I stay away from many things due to the negative effects they have on my body and/or my mind. 
    This does wonders to my overall wellbeing as I prepare myself accordingly for the colder months to come.

    mmm...banana walnut bread


    She must not accept; she must challenge.

      we shall learn
    what books we like to read,
     what hobbies interest us,
     what our favorite foods are 
    we shall understand self-direction
    that means charting a daily personal course
    and staying on it


    *Pollyanna Principle*

    "When you look for the bad in men
    expecting to find it,
    you surely will"
    Abe Lincoln


    The character of Pollyanna possesses a life philosophy based on "The Glad Game," a perpetual game in which she searches for the good in every situation or person she encounters. Pollyanna's optimistic look at life has been both acclaimed and criticized, but her character illustrates that her positive outlook had not only the power to transform her world, but also the power to transform the people around her and the entire town in which she lived.


    meditation for the day

    Simplicity is the key note of a good life. 
    Choose the simple things always.
     Life can become complicated if you let it be so. 
    You can be swamped by difficulties if you let them take too much of your time. 
    Every difficulty can be either solved or ignored and something better substituted for it. 
    Love the humble things of life.
     Reverence the simple things. 
    Your standard must never be the world's standard of wealth and power.


    fall wear

    My new obsession!

    Solid, opaque tights.

    More inspiring looks:


    Sunday afternoon

    There is much more to life than being physically sober.
     There is much more to sobriety than having the obsession for alcohol removed. 
    Sober isn’t much fun - unless we can learn to be happy and sober.
     To be happy and sober requires emotional sobriety. 
    The Fourth Step is our first action step towards physical and emotional sobriety.
    We are in a process to recreate our lives. 
    We made a decision to give up our old plans for living and to try A.A.’s 12 Step Plan for Living. 
    The Fourth Step is our first action step. 

    12 Step House. Damen & Sunnyside.

    show your face in the sunlight

    A woman becomes seduced by __________
    eventually reducing herself to a junkie, deliberately.
    Her enlightenment is lack of care.
    She realized everything she aimed for in life is temporary, 
    therefore needed to be let go at some point.
    She doesn't want to be a victim of transience and decay.
    Uniting her mind with her body, she is ready for another moment of either 
    feeling like a bird flying across the sky
     or the inevitable, dark, lovely, death.



    ^ Failings generate fear, a soul sickness in its own right. 
    ^ Unreasonable fear that our instincts will not be satisfied drives us
       ~ to covet the possessions of others
       ~ to lust for sex and power
       ~ to become angry when our instinctive demands are threatened
       ~ to be envious when the ambitions of others seem to be realized while ours are not
       ~ we eat, drink and grab for more than everything we need, fearing we shall never have            