
Going through some phase perhaps. But Ill take you for a ride if you let me.
Let pig be pig, pig won't run away. Im just feeling out my space.
And soon enough, Ill cozy up and be calm.


chillout session

Imagine a gathering where you are completely at ease. And I mean, at ease. No thoughts to bother you, no people to intimidate you, no self esteem issues popping out at last moment, preferably right after you had a great conversation and possibly a drink or two. Be easy.
Eat some canapes, all right, or eat a piece of brick cheese, don't make no difference.
There's a hookah room, they have mango and passionfruit flavors there, i choose passionfruit.
In another room they play live music, they also sing. In another there's dancing. And yet another, people are just talking. About everything and nothing at all. A toke or two is okay as well. No tv allowed. Human interactions enforced. So what, not adult enough? I never strived to be one. I can go through life enjoying fragments of it, instead of tensing up every minute.



Highly Sensitive People will take longer to make decisions, need more time alone to think, and are generally more conscientious. Anxiety is a big component of the HSP's experience. They suffer from what is called sensory - processing sensitivity and are more susceptible than ordinary people to both internal and external stimuli. They experience other people's emotions and they have an innate tendency to process things more carefully. They tend to be aware of subtleties and are therefore easily overwhelmed by their feelings. 
HSPs are not just people who get their feelings hurt easily. Part of the condition is having a complex inner life and an active imagination.
And given how beautifully they describe the pain that comes with feeling so intensely, creativity comes to them quite naturally.


Tsbeen some time for me to write anything, the reason for it may be my promise to not use this blog as complaint department. Quitting one job and starting a new one revived my creative side a little bit. Both Bear and I are going through serious changes, reevaluating our relationships, our friendships. We're growing up, and I couldn't ask for a better friend and lover. Things that surround us are changing, but we're growing together and it's a very precious time in our lives.
The weather's about to change for real Spring time, and that makes me so much more optimistic and excited about life.


of the earth, like tomatoes

New job, new possibilities, new ideas, freshly painted living room, satisfies me.
Challenges, it's good. Overall I need to wake up I think.