
blinded by the light

Getting off  a plane at some airport, I walk outside, completely overwhelmed by the luminosity of the bright blue sky, my cheeks warming up in the sun...I dont know where I am, but it doesn't matter, I recognize that good feeling of serenity, and I feel tucked in and sheltered.
There are highways that are actually made into loops like rollercoasters, but no accidents seem to occur. "Only in Utah"- says the sign pointing to them. I'm in Utah. Where exactly, I don't know. But it's utopian. Or at least it feels like it for a little while, until I decide to look for a place to eat. I walk through an array of commercial fast food places, all of them, and more. I wasn't aware of the ever-growing fast food industry here, all of the brightly colored logos, their uniforms pressed clean. No no-name restaurant in Utah apparently, they're all stacked together on one strip, all so well known. My hunger passes - indeed what a fancy!

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