I vowed not to comment negatively about the weather this year. As long as I choose to live in the Midwest I won't be one of those people.
Don't care for my own or your winter blues anymore, up your dose if necessary.
Started reading The Early Diary of Anais Nin, that will take me about 6 months to complete (sarcasm), considering my promotion at work and other teeny little things that seem to always pop up just when you thought you took care of everything.
The holiday season is tough for me, don't really understand why it should be but it is. Its stresses come from all directions it seems. Instead of celebrating, we anticipate nervously for that one day, and then, bloated and resignated, we reach for the hopeful resolutions, that are supposed to turn our life around. People really are amusing to me. Myself included. We take everything so seriously, as if it all matters in the end. Make as many connections as possible is our slogan. 

So one of the helpful things (to me at least) is to keep your 'activities' list dense, not stopping because of the change of seasons, wear appropriate winter wear, hat, gloves, all that good stuff. There is a reason mating comes about in the warm seasons, you can't see much of the product you're about to buy underneath all those layers. So dress warm. Believe me, at least in Chicago, people aren't looking at each other. Not like that at least, and not in the winter. Too busy, busy busy. Too much stuff. Too much going on. Ahh. Almost got negative there, gotta keep myself in check!
One more thing: adjust your 'look' to the weather if you feel compromised, it won't work for you otherwise. Take a cue from this wonderfully cozy looking lass --->
exuding sexiness without sacrificing comfort.
That's my idea of attractive.
I love your writing. Tis true about "we reach for the hopeful resolutions, that are supposed to turn our life around. People really are amusing to me. Myself included. We take everything so seriously, as if it all matters in the end." I always make a long list on things to get done--to accomplish. Ex: My HUGE being 22 list! Haha! :-D . I went a little silly creating it! Well, I just wanted to thank you again for my wonderful snail-mailed card. It was such a pleasant surprise (reading it with the silliest of grins on my face). I’m thankful for you. Happy Holidays Mia! I can’t wait to spend more time with you! Drinking cappuccinos and being in each other’s company.