
Woman Triumphant

Helena Modjeska (1840-1909)
Polish Shakespearean Actress
American Cultural Leader
Polish Patriot

A couple of weeks ago, out of nowhere Bear recorded a documentary about Helena Modjeska (whom I've heard of before but without any serious interest).
May I just say I was overwhelmed!
Now...any Polish woman living in the U.S. can probably say the exact same thing as what I'm about to say but - so many things mentioned in the documentary hit close to home; not to ever compare myself with the ultimate wild woman - one who listens to her impulses, her heart, her passions. In a time where "a lady shouldn't move" (hysterics in the attic), she drops the safety of her home country at the height of her fame and moves to a place far west, where nothing is granted, especially for a sensible dove like Modjeska.
She had the looks and the talent of a serious actor, balls of steel, and most importantly she always challenged herself without ever sacrificing her signature grace. Definitely an inspiration for all women.

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