
even a pig goes through changes

As my mama pointed out, this blog is not wandering anymore. It is now a wondering pig. I wonder a lot. I daydream a lot. Somehow it takes a lot of energy (out of me at least) to be straight up realistic in this real life as we call it. I'm somehow always behind a bubble, a little slow and not so sharp. Clumsy. But I'm very much okay with that. I believe we all add something to the mix.
Quick and witty? Great! You are on a roll, like butter.
As long as you're not trying too hard, because that's just embarrasing to watch.
This is going to sound awfully personal, but I feel I'm growing up. Not in the physical sense but more like, I'm finally becoming comfortable with who I am, I accept it and do not try to be someone else, an image that would be more different and therefore more exciting.
I also realized that I've started to accept people for who they are and not who I'd like them to be, this is a big deal believe it or not, I don't think I have to explain why.
There is a way to be a part of society without it completely consuming you.

1 comment:

  1. Happy! About this post.. And about this blog. Well said! THIS IS HOW I FEEL. I think you already knew that though. :-]. Wondering pig, I love you. I know I tell you that often. I just don’t want you to forget.
